Home / News / Enhalor joins hands with the 2023 Rumination Industry High Efficiency Production Summit Forum | Bioyeastar 4C to improve efficiency and health

Enhalor joins hands with the 2023 Rumination Industry High Efficiency Production Summit Forum | Bioyeastar 4C to improve efficiency and health


From August 4 to 6, 2023, the rumination Industry Efficient Production Summit Forum was held in Shenyang, Liaoning Province. Industry experts, rumination experts, ranches and other industry elites jointly analyzed the difficulties and pain points of the rumination industry at this stage, shared of new technology and results of efficient integrated ruminant cow-and-calf production, and deeply discussed the opportunities and challenges faced by the rumination industry.

As a global strategic partner of ruminant nutrition, Beijing Enhalor Company hosted the welcome dinner on August 5, which was filled with friends and guests. Enhalor' s innovative product "Bioyeastar 4C" was presented.


Ms. Li Hui,  expert in livestock and poultry technology of Enhalor, made a wonderful report on " Enhalor Innovative product - Bioyeastar 4C".



Special Guests of the Conference:

Excellent report by Dr. Wang Fen, Vice President of Enhalor Institute


Dr. Fen Wang, Vice President of Enhalor Research Institute, with authoritative experts and technical elites from academic and practical schools in the feed  field started an in-depth discussion on the key problems in the  "ruminants" field, and shared the "New Logic of Efficiency and Healthy Farming of Ruminants", witnessing and promoting the rapid development and prosperity of the livestock industry together.


Dr. Wang Fen gave the double increase program for the enterprise cattle and sheep industry development, mainly focusing on the three aspects of good bacteria cultivation, bad bacteria inhibition, and protection balance. Since 2018-2022, Enhalor has completed a total of 104 yeast culture test reports and published literature on yeast culture trials, and 38 on functional peptides, and the literature has carried out a detailed analysis of three basic issues raised in the program.




Finally, Dr. Wang Fen stressed that on the road of industry development, we will provide the industry with high-quality and affordable products as the foundation core, and help the industry with more products with better service.


Innovative Product - Bioyeastar 4C



Enhalor "Bioyeastar 4C"

Improve feed palatability and increase feed intake

Regulate the balance of intestinal flora and relieve stress

Promote nutrient digestion and improve production performance


Highlights of the conference


The night  was hosted by Mr. Hai Yi, the gold medal host of Halor TV


Mr. Zeng Yannan, General Manager of Ruminant Division, delivered a speech


Dr. Ren Zelin, Chairman of Enhalor, won the special award of "Bioyeastar 4C"


Our Grand prize winners were full of excitement, giving speeches and receiving their awards!


 Rumination Industry "Double high" Alliance Technical Committee "Initiative Declaration"


Enhalor booth in front of the consultation of customers in an endless stream


Enhalor was born in 2000 in the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, focusing on molecular biology, long-term cooperation with the Institute of Microbiology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Tsinghua University, Ocean University of China and many other well-known institutions, the development of yeast culture, yeast peptides, surfactin and other micro-ecological preparations. Our products were exported to more than 80 countries and regions such as EU, USA, Canada, Japan, South Korea, and Australia.


Office Address:Beijing Enhalor International Tech Co.Ltd.Room 501,Hongyuan Fengheng Building.Building 18,District 16,No.188 South Fourth Ring West Road,Fengtai District,Beijing (100070)

Plant Address:No.5, 5th Planning Street, Huoxian Village South, Huoxian Town, Tongzhou District, Beijing

Phone:010-62142592/62142593 Fax:010-6212217


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