Surfa Tid
SURFA TID is a fermented feed additive containing B. subtilis spores and the cyclic lipopeptide surfactin derived from it.
• The primary active ingredient in SURFA TlD is surfactin.
• Its natural functions include involvement in the formation of spore-developing structures and biofilm, swarming motility, quorum • sensing, and antimicrobial activity.
• Surfactin is advantageous as a feed additive due to its stability over a wide range of temperatures and pH, in addition to the biodegradability and low toxicity that is common to many natural antimicrobials.
• Prevent Clostridium Perringens
• Control coccidiosis in broilers
• Anti-viral activity
• Act as a novel antimicrobial adjuvant with amoxicilin against Avian Pathogenicity Esch-erichia coli (APEC) infection in chicken
Mode of action
Note: 1. A simple model for the binding and insertion process for surfactin.
2. Surfa Tid upholds the stability of intestinal microbiota by modulating the integrity of the intestinal barrier, thereby bolstering the host immune response.